Live Data with ActionCable

Not CompletedSection Introduction

This section explains how to use one of the most popular features in Rails 5: ActionCable. In these guides we'll walk through how to integrate ActionCable and Rails Channels to incorporate live data.

Not CompletedRunning the Comment Generator and Installing the NoSQL Redis Database in Rails 5

In preparation for ActionCable, in this guide we're going to generate the Comment model, configure the foreign key database relationships, and install the Redis NoSQL database.

Not CompletedBuilding the Comment Form and Required Controller Actions for Managing Data Flow

In this guide we'll continue building out the comment functionality. Specifically, we'll walk through how to add a comment form to blog pages along with how to render comments on a blog's show page.

Not CompletedRefactoring the Comment Form into a Partial and Implementing Data Validations

In this guide we're going to perform some housecleaning. Specifically, we're going to refactor our comment form so that it is called from a partial instead of the blog show page, additionally, we're going to integrate a number of validations for creating comments.

Not CompletedBuilding the jQuery Functions for Processing Comments and Connecting to ActionCable

This is going to be an extensive guide on how to build a set of jQuery functions that manage the data flow for our comment feature. Additionally, these functions will manage the connection between the user's input and ActionCable.

Not CompletedHow to Create a Broadcast with ActionCable in Rails 5

With our jQuery configured, now we're ready to build the broadcast that will manage the data workflow for the live commenting feature. Additionally, we're going to add an ActionCable routing interface as well as update our Comment model to have a callback that communicates with a background job.

Not CompletedGuide to Implementing Live Data Updates in a Rails 5 Application with ActionCable

This is going to be an exciting guide. With all of the configuration items in place we're ready to finish building out the ActionCable channel and fully implement live updates of comments on our blog pages.

Not CompletedStyling the Comment Section and Implementing Gravatar Based Thumbnails in Rails

This guide focuses on how to style the new comment section to give it a professional look and feel. Additionally, in this guide we'll walk through how to implement the Gravatar system in order to render thumbnails for each comment.


Live Data with ActionCable
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