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In this guide we're going to walk through what it will take to get our system configured to work with angular two applications. The first thing we're going to do is install homebrew. Homebrew is a package manager for Mac. This entire course is going to be filmed using Mac and that's because half of this course is going to use the rails system and Rails is highly recommended to be used on either Mac or on Linux and not on Windows for a number of different reasons.
If you're coming from a Windows background or that's all you have to use that's perfectly fine. In cases like that then I recommend that you go with the C9.IO. It the C9 IDE. What C-9 does, one, you can get a package completely for free but also what it allows you to have is a full Linux environment in the cloud so you can follow along in Windows without having to create a virtual box or anything like that. Then you can follow along with everything that we're doing using Linux and something more friendly to the rails environment. So that is if you're going to use Windows.
The very first thing I'm going to do is copy this homebrew installation.
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL http://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
After I've highlighted and copied it now I can switch over to the unix terminal and paste this in. Now if you followed along and you went through the typescript course then you already have homebrew installed and you can skip the step. However if you didn't because I didn't make the typescript course a required prerequisite, only the rails courses, you can run this command and it's going to install homebrew.
It's going to ask you to hit return because it's making sure that you want this to happen. Hit return and it's going to contact the homebrew servers and bring it down and we'll have this package manager.
So we have everything we need now. Hit clear. The next thing we're going to do is install node. The way that we can do that is type in,
brew install node
and that's going to contact the package manage library and it's going to install node for us. Depending on how fast your internet connection is, this may be a very quick process or a very slow process. So this is going and grabbing node, all of its dependencies, and everything like that.
While it's doing that I'm going to switch over to the browser because I opened up Node and if you go to it you may see that you have the ability to download it here. So you can download this manually but I personally like to use brew because I like to use it as my package manager for everything because it does a great job with managing dependencies and things like that. However I do want to show you that you have a few different options.
So if we come over here you can see that all of this installed properly so we can hit clear.
Now I'm going to type in
brew install npm
NPM stands for node package manager and it gives me a warning because it says that it's already installed. So we don't have to worry about this at all. That's because I already have in my system but if you don't then it's going to go through and install node. To verify that you have all of this working you can type in
node -v
It's going to show you that we're working with node version 5.6. Now you can type
npm -v
and it shows that we have NPM 3.6.0 so we're good to go on this.
Now that we have our package managers installed in the next guide we're going to walk through how to get our initial angular application set up. So I'll see you then.