Course Introduction

Not CompletedReact Architecture Overview

In order to start building powerful React applications one of the first steps that you should take is to understand the overall architecture of the React.

Not CompletedHow to Install Node and NPM on a Mac

In this guide, we are going to get your system set up so that you can start running React apps.

Not CompletedHow to Install Node and NPM on a PC

In this lesson we're going to walk through what we need to do to install node and npm on a Windows machine once we have these two items installed then we're going to be able to start building out react applications.

Not CompletedText Editor Overview for React Development

In this guide, we're going to walk through three popular options that you can use for a text editor in order to build out react applications.

Not CompletedHow to Generate a React Project with the Project Builder Module

Now that you've picked out your text editor you have it installed and hopefully, you had some fun exploring some of the various plugins and extensions it's time to now set up our system to run react directly.

Not CompletedVS Code Formatting Extension Fix

As I mentioned in the last guide when I had that little issue where I made a change and it updated the formatting here and made it look pretty ugly.

Not CompletedHow to Install and Configure Git for Source Version Control

In this lesson and we're going to walk through how to set up git on your system and how we can also push our code bases up to github so that we can remotely store them.

Not CompletedHow to Go Through the React Course Material and UI/UX Workflow

This is going to be a pretty fun guide to go through. In this lesson what we're going to examine is the process that we are going to take in building out each one of the projects and this course.

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