Building Out the Newsletter Content Component Styles
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[00:00:00] Welcome back to the reactor cores in the sky. We're going to style the use of a contact component. So let's start off by closing every file except for our newsletter content. Yes. I mean take man. Keeping you know I'm going to create a new Feilder style directory and call it newsletter underscore content SPSS way. And here we need to start. CONAN You'll be in the here. Looks like we've got an image or title Urbani pretty simple stuff and just so make clear the background all this is is on its way. Bonehead it looks kind of gray for some reason but maybe that's just illusion. We don't want that to be any other color. It's not right. First thing I want to style is the let's see the paragraph here. So we can see that it's in about sixty point five pixels just 660 pixels in the top 63. So let's go to our code here. Let's get in here. And we have here. We have our Piak here. So let's give this class name in here the very classic class name of news letter. Content with a dash. And then I'm going over here it's a newsletter content and then here I'm going to specify the tags I want some people. Can we get our paragraph in here. I want to go to my code here we got this other day which actually has to see what does this contain image and H2. So let's just call this one class name image and say newsletter's content is the same which contains OK. Now we're going to go into it. [00:02:01][120.1]
[00:02:01] I see it's us just saying your image contains. OK now let's see what else we have. We got links in our device. We don't need remote links. We are each two years and we are in each show and my parents say mesh and then I'm going to say what was the other one to make sure we have each two and then we have are links here. So I'm just going to say age Weaver does let's just change the spans now where we can reference. So what we're seeing here span when we have that set up with computer code and unstylish and the next guy is they start us get a good command set up. Yes us from our newsletter contest. Yes. OK I will catch you the next guy. We will start Steinemann this surtax. [00:02:01][0.0]