This section walks through the steps required for installing and configuring Virtual Box and Linux on your Windows machine.
This section walks through how to configure your system to work with front end technologies such as: HTML, CSS, Scss, and JavaScript.
This section walks through how to configure your Virtual Box for Ruby on Rails development, with technologies such as: RVM, Postgres, and Bundler.
This section walks through how to configure your system to work with Python, including managing dependencies along with multiple versions of Python.
This section of the course examines how to install and configure Postman on a Linux machine in order to work with APIs.
This section walks through a number of helpful techniques for working with a VirtualBox system.
This section contains guides for helping you learn how to interact with the DevCamp platform.
Configure the base Vagrant, Virtual Box and text editor setup for a Windows computer.
This section explains how to install and configure the devCamp analytics tool for tracking your code editor work along with how to build your own visualization library.
devCamp does not support ancient browsers.
Install a modern version for best experience.