Creating a New Rails Application from Scratch
Once you have the application ready, we'll start with our first project. It will be a project management application that leverages several key Rails features.
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Once you have the application ready, let's start with our first project. I'm going to call mine Taski and it is a project management application.

To install a new application, go to the terminal and type

rails new taski

and press enter

This command will create different files for us and will come with all the default options. For this project, I'm going to keep all the options as it is, but in the next video, I will show you some customization options.

To check if my new application is installed correctly, I'm going to type

cd taski

Next, type:


This will return all the directories and files such as config, lib, public, test, tmp, vendor and more. Now, I know everything worked good and the application is created properly.

In the next video, let's see how to change some options to customize the application.