Integrating Multiple Queries on a Single Page in Rails
In this lesson, we are going to see how we can list the tasks associated with each project in the show page.
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In this lesson, we are going to see how we can list the tasks associated with each project in the show page.

Technically speaking, you can insert this code in show.html.erb and this would work.


However, it is one of the antipatterns in Rails as you cannot have logic in views files. So, you have to control it either from the model or from the controller.

So, open projects_controller.rb and go to the show method.

def show
  @tasks = @project.tasks


What I'm doing here is getting all the tasks associated with that particular project and storing them in an instance variable called tasks.

Once this is done, let's go back to our show.html.erb and call this instance. To do this, add this line

<% @tasks.each do |task|%>
    <%= link_to task.title, project_task_path(,>
<% end %>


In this code, I'm creating a link to the title of each task, and directing it to the project_task_path link that takes and as its parameters. If you're unsure of the path, go to the console and type

rake routes | grep task

and this will bring up all the routes that has the word task in it.

From here, take the associated route for viewing tasks.

This is the code


To check if this works, let's start the server and refresh the browser. This is what you can see:


And it's working fine. If you click on each of the links, it will take you to the show page. For now, this page is empty and in the next lesson, we'll see how to add information to this page.