Basics of Modern JavaScript Development

Not CompletedModern JavaScript Basics Section Introduction

Welcome to the section where we're going to walk through the basics of modern Javascript. Now this is going to be a pretty exhaustive set of guides. And I want to take a little bit of time before we go into them to summarize each one of the key topics we're going to talk about.

Not CompletedUsing the Const Variable Type in JavaScript

For years and years whenever you wanted to create a variable in Javascript you would use the VAR keyword.

Not CompletedGuide to Backtick string interpolation in Javascript

This lesson is going to be all about modern approaches for using string interpolation.

Not CompletedIntegrating Conditionals into JavaScript Strings with Ternary Operators

In the last guide we talked about string interpolation and how modern versions of javascript allow for a back tick syntax that makes it much easier to combine javascript development, with traditional just plain old strings.

Not CompletedIntroduction to Arrow Functions in JavaScript

In this part of the section we're going to start looking at Arrow functions, now arrow functions are one of the most critical things to learn in modern javascript. You're going to see them all over the place and if you have never seen them before if you've never worked with them before, they can look a little bit intimidating.

Not CompletedHow Arrow Functions Work with ‘this’

Now that you're familiar with arrow functions and their syntax in this guide I want to walk through the reason why arrow functions are important. What we're going to do is build out an invoice function, and we're going to see that the way that arrow functions interact with this keyword is completely different than how just standard function expressions and declarations are.

Not CompletedHow to Swap Variable Values in JavaScript with Variable Deconstruction

In this part of the course, we're going to get into the concept of variable deconstruction. Now that sounds like a very weird, over a complicated term. What I want to start off with is a base case, and that is the ability to swap variable values, and so in modern versions of javascript, you can implement a much faster way of doing this.

Not CompletedHow to Implement Array Destructuring in JavaScript

Continuing on our discussion on destructuring in javascript this is going to be a short guide that analyzes how we can leverage destructuring with arrays.

Not CompletedHow to Pass JavaScript Objects as Function Arguments by Leveraging Deconstruction

Now that you know how to perform basic deconstruction in javascript and you know how to perform tasks such as being able to swap variable values. Now let's extend that knowledge, and we're going to see how we can perform deconstruction in using functions in javascript and more specifically how we can combine objects and functions, and have deconstruction connect those two for us.

Not CompletedGuide to Adding Default Object Values to JavaScript Function Arguments

In the last guide, we walk through how we could pass objects as function arguments in Javascript and that works in many cases.

Not CompletedGuide to the JavaScript Spread Operator

This javascript guide is going to focus on the spread operator. Now if you are relatively new to javascript or you're at least new to the most updated versions the spread operator might look a little bit weird to you and so I want to go through a number of examples of how it can be used and hopefully by the end of it you'll see how powerful it is.

Not CompletedGuide to JavaScript Bind Function

As you're building out JavaScript applications, sooner or later, you're most likely going to come across the bind function.

Not CompletedHow to Check if Two Objects Have Equal Values

In this JavaScript programming tutorial, we are going to walk through how we can build out a function to test to see if the values of two objects are equal or if they're not.


Basics of Modern JavaScript Development
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