Project 6: Education Assessment Engine

Not CompletedProject 6: Model an Education Assessment System

In this project, we are going to model an education assessment engine, which is a system that can manage grades for students. It can handles quizzes, projects, assignments, and many other elements to make sure that students are learning the material properly.

Not CompletedProject Solution: Education Assessment Activity Diagram

In this lesson, we're going to walk through the solution for the quick passing process in our educational assessment engine project.

Not CompletedProject Solution: Education Assessment Class Diagram

Next on our list of solutions is our class diagram.

Not CompletedProject Solution: Education Assessment State Machine Diagram

In this guide, we're going to analyze a potential solution for being able to create a state machine model for answering a question.

Not CompletedProject Solution: Education Assessment Deployment Diagram

In this lesson, we're going to walk through how to design a `deployment engine` for our `educational assessment application`.

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