Implementing the Status Enum and Label Generator for Audit Items
Walk through integrating the workflow status label generator and implementing the Rails enum module for working with named stages for audit logs.
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Our audit log dashboard is coming along well, and now, we are going to implement our status enum. Right now, the status is showing a value of 0 which means nothing to the user, so we have to make it more meaningful.

Go to audit_log.rb model file, and here, we'll declare an enum, just like how we did it in our post model file. However, we need only two here, and we'll also rename them to pending and confirmed.

# app/models/audit_log.rb

class AuditLog < ActiveRecord::Base
  enum status: { pending: 0, confirmed: 1 }

If you refresh the browser, you'll see this:


Now, go to rails console and update one of the logs to confirmed. Refresh the browser, and that's displayed too.

Next, we'll work on our label. For that, open posts_helper.rb, and move all the code to application_helper.rb, as we're going to use it for our audit log functionality too. Let's now make a small change here as we don't have "submitted", "approved" or "rejected" in audit log. All that we have to do is just extend it to add "pending" and "confirmed." Since we want our "pending" to be the same as "submitted" and "confirmed" as "approved", just copy-paste the code. The final code should look like this:

# app/helpers/application_helper.rb

module ApplicationHelper
  def active?(path)
    "active" if current_page?(path)

  def status_label status
    status_span_generator status


    def status_span_generator status
      case status
      when 'submitted'
        content_tag(:span, status.titleize, class: 'label label-primary')
      when 'approved'
        content_tag(:span, status.titleize, class: 'label label-success')
      when 'rejected'
        content_tag(:span, status.titleize, class: 'label label-danger')
      when 'pending'
        content_tag(:span, status.titleize, class: 'label label-primary')
      when 'confirmed'
        content_tag(:span, status.titleize, class: 'label label-success')

Now add status_label to the _audit_log.html.erb partial.

<%= status_label audit_log.status %>

The final page should look good.

