Building a Custom Rake Task
Learn how to create a Ruby rake task completely from scratch.
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Now that we have our tests in place, it's time to decide how we are going to send SMS messages. It's not possible for a person to be available round-the-clock to send SMS messages at a particular time, and this is why we have background tasks. In this video, we're going to create a rake task that'll handle sending out these messages.

To start off, run rake -T on your console, and this will bring up all the rake tasks available for you.


It's a good idea to go through this list to get an idea of the options available for you.

In this program though, we are going to create a custom rake task that'll go along with all these.

To start, let's run a task generator command:

rails g task notification sms

For this generator, our namespace is notification and our task is sms.

This will create a file called notification.rake in our lib/tasks directory, and it'll look like this:

# lib/tasks/notification.rake

namespace :notification do
  desc "Sends SMS notification to employees asking them to log if they had overtime or not"
  task sms: :environment do
    puts "I'm in a rake task"


In this code we've changed the desc to say "Sends SMS notifications to employees asking them to log if they had overtime or not." We'll also added a simple puts statement to verify that the task is working properly.

Now, if you go to console and run rake -T, you can see notification:sms in the list.


Next, let's run this task with the command:

rake notification:sms

And as you'll see, that's working perfectly!

