How to Create an Index View Using BDD in Rails
In this section we're going to build out the index view for our posts using BDD. To start with, I'm going to create a file called post_spec.rb inside the spec/features directory for our integration tests.
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In this section we're going to build out the index view for our posts using BDD. To start with, I'm going to create a file called post_spec.rb inside the spec/features directory for our integration tests. This code is going to leverage the Capybara testing framework and is going to mimic what happens inside the browser.

This is the code for this page:

# spec/post_spec.rb

require 'rails_helper'

describe 'navigate' do
  describe 'index' do
    it 'can be reached successfully' do
      visit posts_path
      expect(page.status_code).to eq(200)

Inside the navigate block, we are creating another block called index that mimics the page where employees get to see their overtime hours. In the next line, we are just going to check if this page can be reached at all.

Like we did in static_spec.rb, we are checking if the status code of the page is equal to 200, which means, it exists. We know that we have a posts_path route, which was created by the resource generator.

To check this test, go to your terminal and run rspec, you'll see that the output is:


The output states that there is no action called index inside PostsController. So, we are going to fix it. Open posts_controller.rb and add the index action inside it, like this:

# app/controllers/posts_controller.rb

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def index

Next, let's create a view template for our index page. To do that, go to views/posts, and create a file called index.html.erb. Now, run the test again, and it should pass.


Let's now work on the content. Go back to post_spec.rb, and create another test, like this:

# spec/post_spec.rb

require 'rails_helper'

describe 'navigate' do
  describe 'index' do
    it 'can be reached successfully' do
      visit posts_path
      expect(page.status_code).to eq(200)

    it 'has a title of Posts' do
      visit posts_path
      expect(page).to have_content(/Posts/)

In this test, we are checking if there's any content that contains the word Posts on the index page. When you run rspec, this test will obviously fail because our index page is empty. To fix this, go to index.html.erb and type the following code

<!-- app/views/posts/index.html.erb -->


If you run the rspec again, it should now pass.

Next, let's test this in the browser. Start server with the command rails s and open localhost:3000/posts in the browser. This is what it should look like.


So it's good that we have the functionality working. However this page is pretty plain looking, so we'll work on that in the next guide. For now, let's upload these changes to github.
