Planning Final Changes
In this guide we'll walk through a comprehensive list of all of the items that are still pending and need to be completed before submitting the application to the client.
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Now that we're almost at the end of development, let's quickly make a note of some things that we need to do.

  1. Update the end date when an audit log is confirmed.
  2. Update audit log status when an overtime is rejected.
  3. Add a home icon for the homepage
  4. Update buttons on employee homepage so they show on mobile.
  5. Add the full date range in each button.
  6. Update button sort order on employee homepage
  7. Remove "entries" and "Request overtime" buttons for managers.
  8. Fix a bug in admin dashboard. I think this should be more a configuration setting we need to update.
  9. Implement honeybadger for error reporting
  10. Implement new relic for keeping the site alive

Let's fix the third one first. Open _nav.html.erb, and change the link to:

<!-- app/views/shared/_nav.html.erb -->

<li class="<%= active?(root_path) %>">
  <%= link_to "", root_path, class: 'glyphicon glyphicon-home' %>

Also, I want to change "Time Entries" to just "Entries" as I think this will look better on a mobile screen.
