Creating a Custom Model Method to Generate a User's Full Name
In this guide, we are going to create a full name method for the User model.
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In this guide, we are going to create a full name method for the User model.

If you open schema.rb, you'll see that we have a first name and a last name field. Even though you can call both these fields separately and combine them together in your view file, it's considered a better practice to implement a custom method to generate the full name

Let's start with our user_spec.rb file and create a test case like this.

# spec/models/user_spec.rb

describe "custom name methods" do
  it 'has a full name method that combines first and last name' do
    expect(@user.full_name).to eq("SNOW, JON")

Running rspec now will obviously fail because we don't have a method called full_name. Let's fix that by opening our user.rb file, and defining a new method called full_name.

If you run rspec now, this should work and our test suite should be back to green.

Next, let's update our _post.html.erb partial file. We'll change last_name call to full_name. Now, if you start the rails server and open the browser, this is what you'll see.

