Using BDD to Build a Permission Structure
In this guide we are going leverage BDD to start building out our permission structure.
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In this guide we are going leverage BDD to start building out our permission structure.

We'll start by opening the post_spec.rb file, located in spec/features and we'll update the a number of the specs, including adding a new one to the edit block. The full code that we'll implement in below:

# spec/features/post_spec.rb

require 'rails_helper'

describe 'navigate' do
  before do
    @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
    login_as(@user, :scope => :user)

  describe 'index' do
    before do
      visit posts_path

    it 'can be reached successfully' do
      expect(page.status_code).to eq(200)

    it 'has a title of Posts' do
      expect(page).to have_content(/Posts/)

    it 'has a list of posts' do
      post1 = FactoryGirl.build_stubbed(:post)
      post2 = FactoryGirl.build_stubbed(:second_post)
      visit posts_path
      expect(page).to have_content(/Rationale|content/)

  describe 'new' do
    it 'has a link from the homepage' do
      visit root_path

      expect(page.status_code).to eq(200)

  describe 'delete' do
    it 'can be deleted' do
      @post = FactoryGirl.create(:post)
      visit posts_path

      expect(page.status_code).to eq(200)

  describe 'creation' do
    before do
      visit new_post_path

    it 'has a new form that can be reached' do
      expect(page.status_code).to eq(200)

    it 'can be created from new form page' do
      fill_in 'post[date]', with:
      fill_in 'post[rationale]', with: "Some rationale"
      click_on "Save"

      expect(page).to have_content("Some rationale")

    it 'will have a user associated it' do
      fill_in 'post[date]', with:
      fill_in 'post[rationale]', with: "User Association"
      click_on "Save"

      expect(User.last.posts.last.rationale).to eq("User Association")

  describe 'edit' do
    before do
      @edit_user = User.create(first_name: "asdf", last_name: "asdf", email: "", password: "asdfasdf", password_confirmation: "asdfasdf")
      login_as(@edit_user, :scope => :user)
      @edit_post = Post.create(date:, rationale: "asdf", user_id:

    it 'can be edited' do
      visit edit_post_path(@edit_post)

      fill_in 'post[date]', with:
      fill_in 'post[rationale]', with: "Edited content"
      click_on "Save"

      expect(page).to have_content("Edited content")

    it 'cannot be edited by a non authorized user' do
      non_authorized_user = FactoryGirl.create(:non_authorized_user)
      login_as(non_authorized_user, :scope => :user)

      visit edit_post_path(@edit_post)

      expect(current_path).to eq(root_path)

In these test cases we are verifying that non-authorized users cannot access pages we don't want to give them access to. We are going to start by creating a non-authorized user using FactoryGirl. Before we run this, go to users.rb where we have our FactoryGirl implementation for users. Here, let's add another type of user called non-authorized user. The factory code looks like this:

# spec/factories/users.rb

factory :non_authorized_user, class: "User" do
  first_name 'Non'
  last_name 'Authorized'
  email { generate :email }
  password "asdfasdf"
  password_confirmation "asdfasdf"

Now let's look back at our post_spec.rb. Here, we'll logout the authorized user, create the new non-authorized user and log that user in. From there we want the test to visit the edit page and expect the current page to be equal to the root_path.

In analyzing the file you'll see that we've also altered the sign in order of a number of the calls to work with the new permission structure. Before our code was allowing any/all signed in users to access the application. This code takes the new authorization rules into account and creates updated expectations.

The only piece of implementation code we'll need to add to get the tests passing is to redirect non authorized users, and we can do that in the ApplicationController:

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include Pundit

  protect_from_forgery with: :exception
  before_action :authenticate_user!

  rescue_from Pundit::NotAuthorizedError, with: :user_not_authorized


  def user_not_authorized
    flash[:alert] = "You are not authorized to perform this action."

Here we're leveraging the Pundit::NotAuthorizedError module provided by Pundit that will catch non authorized users and call the user_not_authorized method. In our case I'm rendering an alert and redirecting the user to the homepage.

We flipped the BDD workflow upside down and we're adding tests that should pass. This is different than the traditional Red, Green, Refactor TDD process. I did this because whenever I'm implementing a new library, such as Pundit, I want to first focus on getting it working, and then I build the tests.

In the video that accompanies this guide I struggled with the code configuration. In this guide I skipped ahead to showing the working configuration right away since it would be confusing to follow a number of failed attempts to properly structure the tests. If you want to see how I worked through the mistakes I recommend you watch the screencast.

If you run rspec, all of our tests are passing.
