Ruby Programming

Introduction to the Ruby Programming Lanuage

Take a high level view of the Ruby programming language, how to install it on your system and get it up and running so you can start building Ruby programs.

  • Be able to describe the high level concepts of the Ruby programming language
  • Construct the configuration to run Ruby programs
  • Define how to work with multiple Ruby versions
Ruby Variables

Learn how to work with variables in Ruby to store data and use the data throughout a program.

  • Use variables to store data
  • Demonstrate how to change variable values
Ruby Strings

Work with the Ruby String data type and walk through how to integrate string data into a Ruby program.

  • Employ String manipulation techniques using core Ruby methods
  • Demonstrate how to work with the String data type in Ruby
Working with Numbers in Ruby

Learn how to work with different number data types in a Ruby program, including the integer and float types.

  • Demonstrate how to work with the Integer and Float data types in Ruby
  • Compute calculations in Ruby with the various number data types
Ruby Methods

Learn how to create and use methods in Ruby programs to store processes and re-use them throughout a program, including an overview of Procs and Lambdas.

  • Demonstrate how to build methods in Ruby to encapsulate various processes
  • Develop Proc and Lambda based programs and show when to use closures instead of traditional methods
  • Recommend how to work with the full list of method argument options, including traditional, splat, named, and default arguments
Ruby Iterators and Loops

Work through the powerful iteration tools that come with the Ruby programming language that allow you to traverse various collection types.

  • Demonstrate how looping and iteration are able to perform sequential processes
  • Use Ruby's Enumerable class to perform functional programming processes
Ruby Collections

Learn how to work with collections in a Ruby program, including arrays and hashes.

  • Demonstrate how to work with data collections in Ruby
  • Explain how to work with the Array and Hash data structures, along with how to add, edit, and remove items from collections
Ruby Conditionals

Learn how to integrate conditionals into a Ruby program, this will enable your programs to have dynamic behavior based on different input data.

  • Demonstrate how to use if/else and compound conditionals
  • Develop programs with conditional logic in Ruby programs to manage data flow
Object Oriented Programming in Ruby

Learn Object Oriented Programming (OOP) techniques for Ruby, including: creating classes, instantiating objects, working with inheritance, and polymorphism.

  • Work with Ruby classes
  • Use getter and setter methods in Ruby
  • Demonstrate how to implement OOP techniques such as inheritance and polymorphism
  • Employ the SOLID design patterns to follow OOP best practices
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