React Project Four: Build a Property Management Application

Not CompletedHow to Upload an Image Into an HTML Image Tag Using Javascript

Welcome back to the course. In this video, we're going to learn how we can actually upload a file to appear in our application.

Not CompletedCreating a Newsletter Action and Reducer

Welcome back to the course. So now that we have our new newsletter form built, what we need to do is take this form and basically make it so that when we click on our edit button in the newsletter latest component, we need to take it and have it fill up our form with data.

Not CompletedUsing Redux Store Map State To Props in an Archive List Component

Welcome back. In this video, we're going to be setting up our newsletter archive to access the action and reducer we set up in the last guide, in order to pull in our newsletter data.

Not CompletedHow to Connect Multiple Components to a Redux Store

Now that we have hooked our archive up to redux, let's go ahead and hook up our newsletter latest component to fetch the latest one on our list. This will allow us to keep finishing up our components as we integrate redux.

Not CompletedHow to Add a Query Param Front End Route

Welcome back to the course. In this video, we're going to be setting up our edit newsletter form so that it looks like our new newsletter.

Not CompletedHow to Build an Action Creator and Reducer that Fetches an Item from a Redux Store by ID

Welcome back to the course. So in the last video you learned how we can pass in a query parameter to our route. In this video, we're going to learn how we can take it and use it to get the item associated with this id.

Not CompletedFetch a Newsletter by ID with Map State To Props

Welcome back. Let's go ahead and try testing out this action by connecting it to react redux using the Connect method.

Not CompletedHow to Map Data to a Form in React

Welcome back to the course. In the last video, we set it up so we can have a newsletter to edit in our newsletter new form. Let's make it so we can get the data into our form. We just need to throw it into these inputs.

Not CompletedHow to Build a Newsletter Archive Detail Component and Pass in Data

Welcome back to the course. So before we get in the actual functionality of our buttons in the back-end, let's make it so we can click on our archived items and bring them up like they're the latest newsletter.

Not CompletedHow to Fetch a Newsletter with an ID

This will be a quick video but we're going to make it so we can fetch data for our detail component via the newsletter ID, using React-Redux.

Not CompletedReusing React Components

Welcome back to the React course. In the last video, we successfully fetched the archive item that we click on from the parameter in our route that we passed the ID in. The goal here is to take this item and display it in two components that we've already built.

Not CompletedHow to Reuse Components with Custom Props in React

Welcome back. Now in the last video we hooked up our detail component to the grid, and we threw in a couple of components. Now this introduces a couple problems because no matter which newsletter we click on in the archive it displays the same data. We're going to refactor this.

Not CompletedRe-using Grids in a React Application

Welcome back to the course. In this video, we're going to be fixing our newsletter detail component so that all of our items are on a grid. All we need to do is provide it with the same grid we're providing the Container Component.

Not CompletedHow to Re-use Form Field Components in React

Welcome back. Let's go ahead and throw the cancel button into our component, which should be pretty easy. We're going to try using a form button for that, even though this isn't really a form, but let's try it anyway.

Not CompletedCreating the Requests Grid

Welcome back to the course. in the last video, we basically finished everything for our newsletters, and now we'll start working on our request components.

Not CompletedCreating the Request Add Button

Welcome back to the course. So in the last video we set up our grid for the request component and now we're ready to start throwing components in there and get things rolling.

Not CompletedCreating the Requests Components

Welcome back. In this video we're going to work on creating our request progress boxes, and our requests components, and then place them onto our grid.

Not CompletedCreating the Requests Box Component and Requests Boxes Grid

In the last video we built the main components we're going to be using for requests. We put our request boxes and our requests components on the grid. In this video we're going to start building the components for this. Now we've already got the styles for it, so that'll be really quick.

Not CompletedHow to Set Different Style States in SCSS

Welcome back to the course. In this video, we're going to implement the styles for the selected and inactive states of this component, and then set one of the boxes to true, so active is pending and have it display the active style, and have the others display the inactive style.

Not CompletedHow to Use Redux for Any Application Feature

Welcome back to the course. In the last video, we finished up our styles for the request boxes, and now we just need to implement the functionality to switch them around and actually display the correct ones based on the box we select.

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