
Not CompletedFind Largest Word in Dictionary by Deleting Some Characters of Given String in Ruby

In this guide, you will learn how to implement a method to find if a string is subsequence of another string or not and if so, return the longest word of the given string that is a subsequence.

Not CompletedFind Subarray with Given Sum | Set 1 (Nonnegative Numbers) in Ruby

This guide will walk you through how to implement a method that checks the sum of every subarray one by one in order to find a subarray that equals the sum given.

Not CompletedBuilding a Message Tracker in Ruby

This guide walks through the steps to effectively build a method that can track text messages sent between users and keep a log of when the messages were sent.

Not CompletedBuilding a Roll Call System in Ruby

This guide will walk you through how to implement a method that can take roll for students and return a hash that lists the students that were present and absent.

Not CompletedBuilding a File Writer in Ruby

In this guide, you will walk through the steps to implement a method that writes a number of lines in a file.

Not CompletedBuilding a Line Counter in Ruby

Similar to the previous guide, this exercise will walk you through how to create a method that counts the number of lines in a file.

Not CompletedStore the Last Five Lines in an Array in Ruby

In this guide, you will learn how to retrieve some content from a file and store it in an array for later use.

Not CompletedBuilding a Phone Parser in Ruby

In this guide, you will walk through the steps to implement a method that will allow various users to input their phone numbers differently, but provides the system with one way to store the data.

Not CompletedBuilding a File Searcher in Ruby

In this guide, you will learn how to implement a method that searches through a file to find all of the content related to a certain query that was passed through.

Not CompletedBuilding a Country File Parser in Ruby

This guide will show you how to build a method that can analyze a text file concerning countries and return the information required.

Not CompletedBuilding a Data Merger for Duplicate Keys in Ruby

This guide will show how you can combine lines of data that has duplicate value(s), without the concern of anything being overwritten.

Not CompletedGenerates a Random Business Idea in Ruby

In this guide, you will learn how to build a method that can generate a business idea at random, .

Not CompletedNumber Lines in a File in Ruby

In this guide, you will learn how to add a number to the beginning of each line in a file to make it easier to locate content.

Not CompletedBuild a Method That Can Identify Odd or Even Numbers in Ruby

In this guide, you will learn how to implement a method that can determine if a number is odd or even.

Not CompletedFind the Sum of a Fibonacci Sequence in Ruby

In this guide, you will learn how to define a Fibonacci class that will add up all of the values of a given number of values in a sequence and produce the total sum of that sequence.

Not CompletedGroup Duplicate Characters Together in Ruby

This guide will show you a quick and simple way that you can implement a method that can arrange a set of values in a string into characters groups.

Not CompletedFriendly Counter method in Ruby

In this guide you will learn how to group a sequence of letters using the friendly_counter method

Not CompletedCard Deck in Ruby

In this guide you will learn how to create a deck of cards using a custom seed and random algorithm.

Not CompletedRendering Dynamic Content in Ruby

In this guide you will learn how to create a deck of cards using a custom seed and random algorithm.

Not CompletedAddition Methods in Ruby

In this guide you will learn how to build a method using loops and recursion.

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