Updating the Project Management Dashboard
In this guide we'll update the Pivotal Tracker project management dashboard to complete the tasks listed for this module.
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Before we move on to our deep dive we’re just going to update the project management dashboard.

If you go to your application dashboard in Pivotal Tracker, you'll see that we've finished both the tasks.


Just check the box to show we’ve done the Scaffold task.

Next, click on Finish the finish button. This action will change the status to Deliver. You can click that as well.

Next and you'll be asked to Accept or Reject the task. I'm going to accept the task. Usually, if you were working at a large company with a QA department and team leaders, etc they would be in charge of following up on accepting the task. For now you will be your own project manager.

Now you can see on the right hand corner of the “Current/Backlog” tab that your points have been updated to 2 out of 2.

With this done, we'll move on to the next major task which is to implement version control.