Project 1
Guide Tasks
  • Read Tutorial
  • Complete the Exercise


  • Add custom title to layout to name app Week One Rails Application
  • Create controller called StaticController with actions quotes and home
  • Add h1 heading tag to homepage that says Hi from Rails
  • Add p tag to quote page that has the content (copy and paste content to ensure it matches the test).

If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along wound destroy civilization. - Gerald Weinberg

  • Create a scaffold called Guide with the attributes of title and content


  1. Fork the GitHub repo: Repo link
  2. Clone on your local machine
  3. Change into root application directory
  4. Run: bundle install, rails db:create, and rails db:migrate
  5. Run: rspec to run tests
  6. Implement the functionality necessary to get all of the tests passing
  7. After all tests are passing, add and commit your code and push it to your remote fork
  8. Paste the link to your fork and submit it on this page.