Project 2
Guide Tasks
  • Read Tutorial
  • Complete the Exercise


  • Clone the Rails application, run: bundle, rails db:create and rails db:migrate.
  • Generate a PagesController with pages home, profile, and news.
  • Map the home action in the PagesController to the root path.
  • Customize routes for pages so they don't have /pages/ in the URL path.
  • Install Devise gem and follow instructions from the Documentation to implement authentication.
    • When running the command rails generate devise MODEL, replace MODEL with Admin.
  • Implement a view helper for authentication links on all pages.


  1. Fork and Clone the Github repo onto your local machine, change into root directory: Repo link
  2. Run: bundle install, rails db:create, and rails db:migrate.
  3. Run: rspec to run tests.
  4. Implement all the requirements necessary to get the tests passing.
  5. After all tests are passing, add and commit your code and push it up to your remote fork.
  6. Paste the link to your fork on this page and submit it.