Project 3
Guide Tasks
  • Read Tutorial
  • Complete the Exercise


  • Create a resource generator called Post with three attributes of: title, content, and tags
  • Add a controller action in the PostsController and use it as the root path for the application, you can name the action anything you'd like
  • In the homepage template, place an h1 heading with the exact text: Week Three Assignment
  • Install the Bootstrap gem and follow the steps to get it functioning properly.
  • Add a class to your h1 tag and assign it a color of red and name is: custom-heading
  • Create a div tag with an ul of three items.
  • For the same div,create a class called list. Integrate two styles, of your choice, for that class.


  1. Fork the GitHub repo and clone it on your machine: Repo link
  2. Clone on your local machine
  3. Change into root application directory
  4. Run: bundle install, rails db:create, and rails db:migrate
  5. Run: rspec to run tests
  6. Implement the functionality necessary to get all of the tests passing
  7. After all tests are passing, add and commit your code and push it to your remote fork
  8. Submit your finished code on this page.