Signing Up for and Creating a New Heroku Application
This guide walks through the steps for signing up for a Heroku account. Additionally, we'll run the commands needed to create the application that will host our application.
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When it comes to getting applications on the web there are a number of variations that you can utilize. What we are going to use in this section is the Heroku App Engine. So if you go to Heroku and it's just I'll include the link in the show notes you can sign up for a free account.


So simply come here. Type in all of your information and then click CREATE FREE ACCOUNT. I already have one so I do not need to go through that process but feel free to pause the video while you go through and you build that out. Now that's the first step. The next step is to go to this article. I'm going to pop this open in the browser. And I'll also include this link in the show notes as well. And this is going to give us access to the Heroku command line interface so this is going to have all the instructions you'll need in order to call Heroku from the command line because we're going to do things such as push up our application straight from the command line be able to run the production console such as communicating with the database through Heroku and all of this requires us to have the Heroku toolkit locally. So run

brew install heroku

And that's if you're on a Mac or you can use these items if you are on a Linux machine. To make sure that this is all set you can come to the terminal and just type in

heroku --version

and if everything installed properly This should tell you exactly what version of the Heroku toolbelt that you have and what version of the Heroku cli that you have and if you have both those items showing up then you are good to go.


Now with all of that in place the next item is to log in. So to do that just type

heroku login

then it's going to prompt you for your e-mail address and your password. Now I'm already logged into it so this is not going to be something that I would go through but just type in the exact same e-mail address and password that you used when you signed up for your Heroku account right here after we have all of that. The next step is going to be to create our application. So the way that you're going to do that is by typing

heroku create devcamp-portfolio

and you're going to have to type something different because this name has to be unique. A very common pattern is to do something like put your initials right in front of it just to make sure that you have a unique name. It'll tell you if you don't. Now if I hit return here it's going to go and create this application. So we now have a url and we have a location where our git is going to be connected to. So that is all that you need to do in order to create an instance on Heroku in the next guide we're going to go through the steps that we need to do in order to prepare this instance and do things such as add our configuration variables and all of the items that are needed before we can push our code up to the site.
