Rails Generators

Not CompletedSection Introduction

This section of the course will teach you how to work with Rails generators, including the controller, model, and resource generators. We'll also analyze how to customize generators.

Not CompletedGuide to the Rails Controller Generator to Build Pages

This guide walks through how to work with the Rails controller generator in order to create static pages in a Ruby on Rails application. We'll also walk through how to pass data between the model, view, and controller files.​

Not CompletedGuide to the Rails Model Generator to Build out Data Specific Features

This guide explains how to work with the Rails model generator, specifically it shows how you can generate models and use the model to query the database and render data onto the view.

Not CompletedGuide to the Rails Resource Generator for Building Out the Portfolio Feature

This guide examines how to run the Rails Resource generators, and specifically compares the Resource generator with the: model, controller, and scaffold generators.

Not CompletedDeep Dive: Analyze the Rails Generators and How to Customize a Generator

In this deep dive guide we'll examine how generators work in Rails. Additionally, we'll walk through how to create a custom generator in Rails.


Rails generators
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