Dissecting Rails 5

Environment Customization

This section will teach you how to setup your environment to start building Ruby on Rails applications, starting with the command line and working through each installation step.

  • Demonstrate how to work with Git for Version Control
  • Define how to work with multiple Ruby versions
  • Discover use of the Postgres Database
  • Describe how to work with the Sublime Text Editor
  • Identify how to interface with the terminal thru the Command Line
  • Construct the development environment to run Ruby programs
  • Assess the Project to be built
App Creation and Project Planning

In this section we'll plan out the creation of the Rails application and start to scaffold the app with its initial functionality.

  • Apply project management skills
  • Create a basic Rails application
  • Differentiate between the Index and Show actions if the Rails Framework
  • Analyze CRUD functionality in Rails
  • Describe the Resource routing process in Rails
  • Define the Rails file system
  • Summarize the role of the Application Generator
Implementing Version Control

After this section of the course you will know how to implement version control into a Rails application. This will include: configuring your system with GitHub and pushing your repo to the web.

  • Identify need for Version control
  • Discover Version control resoources
  • Operate within the GitHub Repository
  • Employ Markdown Syntax
  • Demonstrate use of Git
Rails Generators

This section of the course will teach you how to work with Rails generators, including the controller, model, and resource generators. We'll also analyze how to customize generators.

  • Demonstrate how to use the Controller Generator
  • Employ the Model Generator
  • Construct a Portfolio feature using the Resource Generator
  • Recognize how to customize a Generator
Data Flow in Rails

This section of the course explains how data flow works in Rails, focusing on how the MVC structure allows for an organized process of data management.

  • Define the Rails MVC structure
  • Demonstrate how to create sample data dynamically
  • Construct the Index and Show actions for a feature from scratch
  • Create Rails CRUD functionality with out generators
  • Demonstrate how to implement the Link To Method
  • Determine how to create custom routes
  • Implement a Ruby Gem
  • Utilize the Ruby Enumerable Method
  • Demonstrate how to implement custom actions
Data Management in Rails

This section of the course walks through how to manage data in a Rails application. This includes working with: validations, concerns, data relationships, and much more.

  • Demonstate how to create data validations
  • Explain how to work with interdependent data relationships
  • Define how to build custom database scopes
  • Describe the approach to set default values and utilize concerns
  • Implement the use of nested attributes
  • Analyze database communication with Active Record and SQL
Rails 5 Authentication

In this section you'll learn how to integrate authentication into your application, allowing users to register, sign in, and sign out. We will implement the Devise RubyGem to build out this feature.

  • Implement the Rails Devise Gem including configurations for Registration, Login and Logout of a user
  • Design custom routes for Authentication
  • Demonstrate the ability to dynamically render data dependent upon user status.
  • Create custom attributes for the authentication system
  • Describe how to apply controller concerns to custom attributes
  • Implement the BCrypt Gem
Ruby on Rails Controllers

This section explains how you can work with controllers in a Rails 5 application, including: how to work with sessions in Rails, understanding params, and reviewing data flow.

  • Describe how to work with the Params hash
  • Demonstrate the ability to work with sessions
  • Explain the process of refactoring session tracking
  • Define strong Params and how they protect your applicaiton
  • Implement the Null Object pattern to enable a guest user feature
Working with Views in Rails

In this section you'll learn how to work with Views in Rails, including: using custom layout files, working with partials, using Rails view helpers, and how to dynamically generate HTML code.

  • Demonstrate how to customize the Master Layout file for shared components
  • Implement a custom layout file for featured views
  • Define the use of partials, especially in relation to best practices
  • Describe how to send data to partials
  • Implement dynamic styles into the navigation bar
  • Identify and implement view helpers
  • Demonstrate the advantage of using the content tag helper method
  • Determine appropriate use of the Rails view template
  • Utilize action view helpers
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