Building out a Monitoring Dashboard for Managers

Not CompletedStructuring the Page Flow for Admins vs Employees

Learn how to configure the homepage page flow so that managers see a completely different dashboard than employees.

Not CompletedBuilding a Monitoring Dashboard for Admins

​This guide examines how to build a monitoring dashboard page for admin users to view data points for employees.

Not CompletedBringing in Live Data to the Admin Management Dashboard

Follow this step by step guide for bringing live data into the admin monitoring homepage.

Not CompletedCreating Custom Actions via Button Click for Admins

Learn how to develop buttons that perform custom actions, such as approving items in the database and moving them down the approval workflow.

Not CompletedCompleting the Admin Dashboard Homepage

Walk through how to add new view elements for audit items that are pending on the monitoring dashboard.


Building out a Monitoring Dashboard for Managers
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