Creating an Approval Workflow

Not CompletedApproval Workflow Feature Planning Session

In this section we're going to build out a key component of the application: the approval workflow. This is an important feature because the wrong workflow can ruin the application. Whereas a well constructed workflow will help the entire app run smoothly.

Not CompletedIntegrating Enums for Workflow Feature in Rails

This guide will walk through the process of implementing an enum component in our Rails application to enable our approval workflow feature. Essentially will allow a `Post` to have stages.

Not CompletedHow to Customize Administrate to Show Enums

Now that we have our enum functionality in place, we are going to implement the ability to show the enum values in the Administrate dashboard.

Not CompletedUsing BDD to Implement Radio Buttons in Rails

This guide will focus on how to implement radio buttons in a Rails form and how we can leverage Capybara to build the feature.

Not CompletedHow to Hide Form Elements from Non Admin Users

In this guide we are going to create functionality that will ensure that only admin users are able to see the radio buttons in our form.

Not CompletedBuilding Dynamic Navigation Bar Elements in Rails

In this guide we're going to walk through how to create a dynamic navigation bar the renders different tabs to users based on their role.


Creating an Approval Workflow
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