Installing Sparkpost Email Server
In this guide we walk through how to install and configure a production email server.
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In this video, we are going to setup the email server to send our emails.

Heroku has a neat add-on for sending emails, called "SparkPost". You can go to "" and search for it. At the bottom of the "SparkPost" page, you'll find the code to install it. Simply copy it, paste it in your terminal and run it.

heroku addons:create sparkpost:free

This will create the add-on for us and will also give the different keys needed for setup.


Next, go to "" and find your app. Here, you can see that SparkPost is added to your app. Also, click on Access or Settings navigation bar to get your full credentials needed to setup the email server.


Once you have your API key credentials, click on "SparkPost" . You need to add a domain from your account, and you can do it by clicking on "Account" and "Sending Domains."


When you add the domain, it'll ask you to verify. I never choose to verify through email because for the most part, I won't have access to the email IDs to which it can send a message.


I prefer DKIM record. With this, you'll have to create a new text record in your dashboard with the hostname and paste the value in it.


I'm obviously not going to do it in front of the screen because I can't show my credentials for security reasons. If you're unsure how to add, go to Google search. There are plenty of websites that walk you through the entire process.
We'll complete configuration in the next video.