Deploying to the Web

Not CompletedDeploying to Heroku

Walk through the process of deploying the application to the web using the Heroku app engine.

Not CompletedFixing CSS Issues on Heroku

Learn how to implement CSS fixes to have Heroku match the design for the local system.

Not CompletedImplementing Scheduler Tool for Running Automated Tasks

In this lesson we'll walk through the application management dashboard and install the scheduler tool so that it can send out notifications on an automated basis.

Not CompletedUsing Nil Guards for Callbacks

Learn how to build out a nil guard inside of the update callback to fix potential program errors.

Not CompletedBuilding Rake Task for Sending SMS Messages to Employees

​This guide walks through how to build a custom rake task for sending timed SMS messages.

Not CompletedInstalling Sparkpost Email Server

In this guide we walk through how to install and configure a production email server.

Not CompletedCompleting Email Configuration

Walk through the final email configuration and domain settings for activating the email server with Spark Post.

Not CompletedAutomatically Create Audit Log Items Weekly

Walk through the process of adding calls to the Audit Log model to create log entries each week for each employee.


Deploying to the Web
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