SQL Bootcamp

System Configuration

This section of the course walks through the various relational databases on the market, along with how to configure your system to manage a database.

  • Define what a database is and how they are used in software applications.
  • Explain what data types are in a database.
  • Demonstrate how to build a database schema.
Creating, Reading, Updating, and Deleting in MySQL

This section of the course examines the key building blocks of a SQL application, which is: how to add new records, query a data set, edit records, and deleting elements.

  • Demonstrate how to perform CRUD actions in a SQL database.
  • Define how to filter database queries based on search terms.
  • Design a SQL seed script for populating a database.
Advanced Queries

In this set of guides you'll learn how to work with advanced SQL queries, including: pattern matched searching, ranges, set logic, and subqueries.

  • Demonstrate how to build and run SQL subqueries.
  • List the requirements for running wildcard SQL queries.
  • Create collection based queries.
SQL Functions

This section examines various SQL functions and how they can be used with databases.

  • Define what a SQL function is.
  • Explain how aggregate functions work in SQL queries.
  • Demonstrate how to call SQL functions from within a query.
Control Flow in SQL

This section explains how to implement control flow into SQL scripts. This will allow you to query data and have the results pass through if/else based conditional logic.

  • Explain what control flow is in a database query.
  • Demonstrate how to build a query that implements conditional logic.
  • Create queries that implement aliases to customize column names.
  • Describe the process for exporting SQL query data to the CSV format.
Relational Queries

One of the key benefits to using a SQL database is that its relational in nature. This means that tables can map to other tables and return relational based result sets.

  • Explain what a database relationship is and the requirements for configuring tables to work with references.
  • Define a foreign key column in a database table.
  • Demonstrate how to perform queries that join multiple tables together.
  • Describe the differences between inner and outer join queries.
Advanced SQL

This section of the course focuses on a number of advanced SQL features and techniques, including: working with indexes, database normalization, and modeling.

  • Explain the purpose of a database index.
  • Demonstrate how to implement database normalization.
  • Describe how to uses diagrams to model a database schema.
SQL Database Project

This section outlines the requirements for the SQL database project.

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