Creating, Reading, Updating, and Deleting in MySQL

Not CompletedCRUD Section Introduction

In this section we're going to walk through how to implement the full set of CRUD features into your database.

Not CompletedGuide to Adding Records to a MySQL Database

This guide examines how to create new records in a database by leveraging the INSERT INTO command in SQL. Additionally, we'll build out a seed script that will populate all three tables, including the foreign key records.

Not CompletedHow to Query for All Records in a SQL Database

This guide walks through a basic introduction to querying for all records in SQL databases. Additionally, we'll discuss best practices for building a SELECT statement.

Not CompletedHow to Filter SQL Queries with the: 'where', 'and', 'or' Commands

This guide walks through how to build a SQL query that utilizes the where, and, or commands in order to specify the records that should be returned.

Not CompletedUsing Limit and Offset in a SQL Query

When you don't want to return a full result set from a query, SQL's LIMIT and offset tools allow you control the records returned. Additionally, the offset parameter allows you to implement features such as pagination in an application.

Not CompletedHow to Update Records in SQL with the UPDATE Command

This guide explains how to update records in SQL, including how to integrate SQL's where, and, or clauses to select specific records to change.

Not CompletedUsing BEGIN and ROLLBACK to Revert Queries in MySQL

Whenever you're working with experimental scripts, it is a good idea to reserve the right to revert a query, such as updating a database record, or set of database records. In this guide we're going to examine how to leverage MySQL's BEGIN and ROLLBACK commands in order to give our script the ability to revert back to a previous stage.

Not CompletedHow to Query for Unique Values in a SQL Database

This guide walks through how to query for unique records in a SQL database by leveraging the distinct filter.

Not CompletedHow to Use ORDER BY and CAST in MySQL

In this guide you'll learn how to set the sort order for a database query in MySQL. Additionally, we'll discuss how to leverage the CAST() function so that we can order non traditional data types.

Not CompletedGuide to Deleting Records from a SQL Database

This lesson walks through how to delete records from a MySQL database. Additionally, you'll learn how to add BEGIN and ROLLBACK commands to allow you to revert back to a previous state.


Creating, Reading, Updating, and Deleting in MySQL
    Creating, Reading, Updating, and Deleting in MySQL
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