Managing the Project Management Dashboard
In this guide I walk through how to work with the Pivotal Tracker project management dashboard, including how to create a set of requirements, add todo items, and how to start a project.
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In this guide, I'm going to walk through how I've set up this project on PivotalTracker. I'd recommend going through PivotalTracker's startup guide to get an brief tutorial on how to use the system.
Don't feel like you need to know every aspect of PivotalTracker, it is just good idea to get acclimated with the process of working in a professional management environment. I've seen a lot of developers who are highly talented, but lack project management skills, and this has affected them negatively in their careers. Remember, establishing healthy project management skills now is an important part of becoming a desirable professional developer.
When you go to PivotalTracker dashboard, and it should look like this:


You obviously won't see the items on the right side because I went through the project and added the functionalities we would have to do in this project.
Once you add them, double click on any item and you'll see a detailed description. Each item in the icebox has a title, id, story type, the state it is in, a description and a set of to-do items.


I, personally, really like to work with a set of to-do items, and this is one of the reasons I like this software.

All the large tasks that we need to do are in this list. Each of these tasks would be considered a 'sprint'. A sprint is a grouping of functionality that can be done in a relatively short period of time. In our Ruby gems sprint we are going to work with Bootstrap, Devise, Petergate, and Build our own gem from scratch.

I have the items listed from first to last starting with the first task on the bottom.

Now, I'm also going to show you how you can add a task to the list.
Look for a "+" sign at the right-hand top corner of the "Icebox" section, and click on it.


This screen will come up, and start entering the details. Give a name at the top and set the "Story type" to feature. Next, go to the "points" option and set it to 3. This is a cool feature of PivotalTracker and it allows you to set the difficulty level of each task. Now, this task called "Action Cable - Live Data Feature", is a difficult one, and this is why I've set it to the maximum value.
Move down to the description and explain the task. Next, go to tasks and add a few subtasks.


Save after entering all the details.

We will be updating this tracker as we move through the course, so we get an idea of how to work through the project management side of development.

Next, drag the bottom-most task, which is, "Build out the basic application" and put it in the current pane on your left. If you double-click it, you can see the list of tasks and a brief explanation of what we're going to do in this task.


Lastly, click on the Start button, so the task is in running state now.

That's it. We'll start working on our task from the next guide.
