Signing Up for a Project Management Account
In this guide we'll walk through how to sign up for a project management account using Pivotal Tracker. This will help us to track our progress and ensure that we list out all of the requirements for the Rails application that we'll be building.
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Before getting into creating the app, we're going to sign up with the PivotalTracker service.

This is a free service for small teams, so you don't have to pay anything. There are many project management tools out there. You have other choices like Trello and Basecamp, and I've used both of them quite a bit. Another one is JIRA from Atlassian. JIRA is one of the standard enterprise grade project managament apps available today. In fact, I wanted to use JIRA for this course, but it doesn't have a free option.
So I chose PivotalTracker as it is free and has many of the standard features of a modern project management tool. It is also give you a feel of what it's like to work in a professional development environment.

So, go to and setup your account. The sign up will say it's only free for 30 days, but it's actually free as long as the team size is less than three.