How to Install Homebrew on a Mac
In this installation guide we'll walk through how to install the package manager Homebrew on a Mac. This tool will allow us to install various packages, applications, and code libraries, along with managing their dependencies.
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In this guide, we're going to walk through how to install Homebrew.

Homebrew is a very powerful tool that allows Mac developers to install various code packages, applications, and code libraries, along with managing their dependencies. It works much like going to a website and downloading a particular code library, except that it does it in a more advanced way. Typically, many of the libraries you bring in with Homebrew will have a complex set of dependencies. When Homebrew installs one library for you, it will likely bring in dozens or even hundreds of others that are nested within the library you want. Before Homebrew, bringing in different code libraries was a stressful and time-consuming process. This is why it's a great tool to have.

How to Install

To install, go to This page will have download links and instructions. This is specifically for Mac developers, so if you're following along with Linux, don't worry about Homebrew as you already have a set of package libraries installed in your system. However, if you already have Homebrew follow along and you will be able to update your system.

Paste this in to your terminal:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

The terminal is going to ask for your password, which is the one you use to log into your system.

Once you've entered your password hit return. You can check if Homebrew is working by typing this code: brew install wget.

Your screen should show that wget is downloading. Then you will know everything was installed successfully.

You can also see how easy it is to install using the brew commands.