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Not CompletedThe Application We're Going to Build

In this video we'll walk through the key features that we're going to build in this course, including: a jQuery drag and drop interface, live page updates with ActionCable, a Rails web application ​​that utilizes multiple layouts for a custom look and feel.

Not CompletedCourse Introduction

Through the years I've constantly heard the same question from students: "I can follow a tutorial, but I don't feel confident enough to build apps/features from scratch". This course is my answer to that question. I'm not satisfied in simply teaching you how to build an application, my goal is to teach you to understand how to build professional web applications, not to simply follow a tutorial. This is the most comprehensive course I've ever put together and combines my 14+ years of development experience.

Not CompletedSection Introduction

This section will teach you how to setup your environment to start building Ruby on Rails applications, starting with the command line and working through each installation step.

Not CompletedIntroduction to the Command Line Interface in Mac and Linux

This guide walks through how to navigate inside of the command line interface for Mac and Linux systems. This is the tool that we'll use throughout this course, so it's important to have a basic understanding of how it works.

Not CompletedInstalling the X-Code Command Line Tools for Mac

This guide walks through the next step of the Rails installation process, which is to install the X-Code Command Line Tools for Mac. If you are following along on C9 or Linux you can skip ahead through this guide.

Not CompletedInstalling Git for Source Code Version Control

This step by step guide walks through how to install Git as a version control management system on a Mac. I also show where you can get the commands for installing Git on a Linux system as well.

Not CompletedHow to Install Homebrew on a Mac

In this installation guide we'll walk through how to install the package manager Homebrew on a Mac. This tool will allow us to install various packages, applications, and code libraries, along with managing their dependencies.

Not CompletedInstalling GPG Security System on a Mac

This guide walks through how to install the GPG security system on your Mac via Homebrew. This is a security tool that will give us the ability to securely download and install the Ruby Version Manager (RVM).

Not CompletedGuide to RVM for Ruby Management

In this guide I give a step by step guide for installing RVM on your system in order to manage various versions of the Ruby programming language. I also explain how to install new versions of Ruby along with how to switch between versions.

Not CompletedConfiguring RubyGems and Installing Rails

In this guide we configure our system to work with Ruby Gems and install the Rails gem.

Not CompletedInstalling the Postgres Database on a Mac

In this guide I walk through how to install the Postgres App in order to integrate the PostgreSQL database on your system. I also include my rationale for using the Postgres App installer instead of the Homebrew installer.

Not CompletedInstalling and Working with the Sublime Text Editor Along with Tips and Tricks

This guide walks through how to install and then work with the Sublime Text editor. This includes how to work with common tasks in Sublime such as: searching, making multiple changes at the same time, and performing the fuzzy file search.

Not CompletedGuide to Using C9.io for Your Rails Environment

This guide will walk through how to use the Bottega Devcamp Rails development environment on C9.

Not CompletedDeep Dive into the Command Line

This guide will take a deeper look into how you can work with the Terminal. This will include discussing: creating, deleting, copying and moving files. We'll also examine how to add content to files and we'll finish up with walking through how to integrate a custom shell script to automate a common process.


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