Installing Git for Source Code Version Control
This step by step guide walks through how to install Git as a version control management system on a Mac. I also show where you can get the commands for installing Git on a Linux system as well.
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In this installation guide, we're going to walk through how to download Git. If you already have Git installed, you can skip this guide.

To check if you have Git installed, go to your terminal and type git. If it is already installed, the command should bring up some help guides and information.

Mac Installation

If you don't have Git, you should get a popup installation asking if you want to install it. When you respond with yes, it will automatically install.

If you didn't get the popup, go to and the page will start the download automatically.

Linux Installation

If you're working on Linux, you can install git through various package managers like yum and apt-get.

Visit This site has all the instructions you need. Choose the default options while installing, and you should be ready to proceed.

What is Git?

If you're wondering, Git is a powerful version control tool that allows you to track changes to your code. It lets you create stages for your application so that you can work on one feature at a time. It allows you to have a benchmark. It gives you the option to revert entirely back to the previous versions when necessary. It also acts as a file backup system, so if you accidentally deleted some files you will have a way to gain access to them. Git is a part of programming best practices, and I can't think of any development company that does not use Git or some type of version control.