Installing the X-Code Command Line Tools for Mac
This guide walks through the next step of the Rails installation process, which is to install the X-Code Command Line Tools for Mac. If you are following along on C9 or Linux you can skip ahead through this guide.
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This is a short guide that will explain how to install the Xcode command line tools. This is specific to the Mac system. If you're following along on or Linux system, you can skip this video. If you're using Mac, you have to install these tools. They are free, and they are required to build the types of applications we want to build.

There is a chance that Xcode is already installed in your system.

To check, type xcode-select -p. If you get "/Applications/" as a response, it means Xcode is already installed, and you are good to move forward.

If you don't have it, it is simple to install.

Use the command xcode-select --install, and Xcode will automatically be installed.

That's it! You're ready for the next guide.