Implementing Version Control

Not CompletedSection Introduction

In this section of the course, we will examine how to implement version control into a Rails application. This will include: configuring your system with GitHub and pushing your repo to the web.

Not CompletedHow to Sign Up for a GitHub Account

Learn how to create a GitHub account and navigate through the GitHub dashboard.​

Not CompletedGenerating SSH Keys to Securely Communicate with GitHub

​Learn how to generate SSH keys from your local system and add them to GitHub. This will allow for you to push securely to remote GitHub repositories.

Not CompletedGuide to GitHub

In this guide you'll learn how to: create a new git repository, how to push to GitHub, and how to work with different versions of your application.

Not CompletedHow to Update a .gitignore File to Securely Store Secret Credentials

In this guide we'll walk through how to edit a .gitignore file so that our application can securely store secret API keys and various credentials. We'll also examine how to clear our local Git cache to properly update the .gitignore file.​

Not CompletedGuide to the Markdown Syntax

This guide examines how to work with the markdown syntax. Learning markdown will allow you to style Readme files, add items such as syntax highlighting to GitHub comments, and much more.

Not CompletedUpdating the Git Sprint in the Project Management Dashboard

In this short guide we'll update the Git sprint feature in the Pivotal Tracker dashboard.

Not CompletedDeep Dive: Analyzing Version Control and Git

In this deep dive we'll walk through the finer points of Git, specifically we'll analyze: what git is, how it can be used in day to day development, how to work with git branches, and much more.​


Version Control Quiz
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